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template <size_t MaxSize>

ClassList > PAYLOAD_ENCODER > CayenneLPP

Template class for CayenneLPP payload encoder.More...

  • #include <CayenneLPP.hpp>

Public Functions

Type Name
CayenneLPP (const uint8_t size)
Constructor for CayenneLPP .
CayenneLPP (const CayenneLPP & other)
Copy constructor for the CayenneLPP class.
const uint8_t addAccelerometer (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const float x, const float y, const float z)
Adds an accelerometer field to the payload.
const uint8_t addAnalogInput (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const float value)
Adds an analog input field to the payload.
const uint8_t addAnalogOutput (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const float value)
Adds an analog output field to the payload.
const uint8_t addBarometer (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const float value)
Adds a barometric pressure field to the payload.
const uint8_t addDigitalInput (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const uint8_t value)
Adds a digital input field to the payload.
const uint8_t addDigitalOutput (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const uint8_t value)
Adds a digital output field to the payload.
const uint8_t addGPSLocation (uint8_t sensorChannel, const float lat, const float lon, const float alt)
Adds a GPS location field to the payload.
const uint8_t addGyroscope (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const float x, const float y, const float z)
Adds a gyroscope field to the payload.
const uint8_t addHumidity (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const float value)
Adds a humidity field to the payload.
const uint8_t addIllumination (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const uint16_t value)
Adds an illumination field to the payload.
const uint8_t addPresence (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const uint8_t value)
Adds a presence sensor field to the payload.
const uint8_t addTemperature (const uint8_t sensorChannel, const float value)
Adds a temperature field to the payload.
const uint8_t copy (uint8_t * destBuffer) const
Copies the buffer to the destination buffer.
const uint8_t * getBuffer (void) const
Returns the buffer.
size_t getSize (void) const
Gets the size of the buffer.
CayenneLPP & operator= (const CayenneLPP & other)
Copy assignment operator for the CayenneLPP class.
void reset ()
Resets the buffer.
~CayenneLPP ()
Destructor for CayenneLPP .

Detailed Description

Template parameters:

  • MaxSize Maximum size of the buffer.

Public Functions Documentation

function CayenneLPP [1/2]

Constructor for CayenneLPP .

inline explicit PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::CayenneLPP (
    const uint8_t size


  • size Size of the buffer.

function CayenneLPP [2/2]

Copy constructor for the CayenneLPP class.

inline PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::CayenneLPP (
    const CayenneLPP & other

Initializes a new instance of the CayenneLPP class by deep copying the contents from another instance. This includes copying the operational size, current index, and the contents of the data buffer up to the current index. The purpose of this constructor is to create a new object with the same state as the object passed as a parameter.


  • other The CayenneLPP instance from which to copy.

function addAccelerometer

Adds an accelerometer field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addAccelerometer (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const float x,
    const float y,
    const float z

This method appends accelerometer data to the payload, including x, y, and z axis measurements. The accelerometer data is identified by a unique sensor channel, with each axis value representing acceleration in Gs. This method allows for the capture of three-dimensional motion or orientation data.


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the accelerometer sensor.
  • x The acceleration value along the x-axis in Gs.
  • y The acceleration value along the y-axis in Gs.
  • z The acceleration value along the z-axis in Gs.


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the accelerometer data. Returns 0 if there was an error or if the payload could not be appended.

function addAnalogInput

Adds an analog input field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addAnalogInput (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const float value


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the analog input sensor.
  • value The analog value to be added. This value is scaled appropriately before adding to the payload. Precision of 0.01 Signed.


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the analog input.

function addAnalogOutput

Adds an analog output field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addAnalogOutput (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const float value


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the analog output sensor.
  • value The analog value to be added. This value is scaled appropriately before adding to the payload. Precision of 0.01 Signed.


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the analog output.

function addBarometer

Adds a barometric pressure field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addBarometer (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const float value

This method appends a barometric pressure value to the payload. The barometric pressure is identified by a unique sensor channel, with the value representing atmospheric pressure in hPa (hectopascals).


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the barometer sensor.
  • value The barometric pressure in hPa to be added. This value is scaled appropriately before adding to the payload.


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the barometric pressure value. Returns 0 if there was an error or if the payload could not be appended.

function addDigitalInput

Adds a digital input field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addDigitalInput (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const uint8_t value


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the digital input sensor.
  • value The value of the digital input byte or bool (0 or 1).


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the digital input.

function addDigitalOutput

Adds a digital output field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addDigitalOutput (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const uint8_t value


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the digital output sensor.
  • value The value of the digital output byte or bool (0 or 1).


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the digital output.

function addGPSLocation

Adds a GPS location field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addGPSLocation (
    uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const float lat,
    const float lon,
    const float alt

This method appends GPS location data to the payload, including latitude, longitude, and altitude. The GPS location data is identified by a unique sensor channel, with the latitude and longitude values in degrees and the altitude in meters.


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the GPS sensor.
  • lat The latitude in degrees.
  • lon The longitude in degrees.
  • alt The altitude in meters above sea level.


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the GPS location data. Returns 0 if there was an error or if the payload could not be appended.

function addGyroscope

Adds a gyroscope field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addGyroscope (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const float x,
    const float y,
    const float z

This method appends gyroscope data to the payload, including angular velocity around the x, y, and z axes. The gyroscope data is identified by a unique sensor channel, with each axis value representing angular velocity in degrees per second.


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the gyroscope sensor.
  • x The angular velocity around the x-axis in degrees per second.
  • y The angular velocity around the y-axis in degrees per second.
  • z The angular velocity around the z-axis in degrees per second.


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the gyroscope data. Returns 0 if there was an error or if the payload could not be appended.

function addHumidity

Adds a humidity field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addHumidity (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const float value

This method appends a humidity value to the payload, represented as a percentage of relative humidity. The humidity sensor is identified by a unique sensor channel, and the value must be between 0 and 100, representing 0% to 100% relative humidity.


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the humidity sensor.
  • value The relative humidity value to be added, specified as a percentage from 0 to 100. This value is scaled appropriately before adding to the payload.


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the humidity value. Returns 0 if there was an error or if the payload could not be appended.

function addIllumination

Adds an illumination field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addIllumination (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const uint16_t value

This method appends an illumination value (two-byte value) to the payload. The illumination is identified by a unique sensor channel and its value, representing light intensity in lux.


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the illumination sensor.
  • value The illumination value in lux to be added. This value is encoded directly into the payload.


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the illumination value.

function addPresence

Adds a presence sensor field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addPresence (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const uint8_t value

This method appends a presence sensor value (single byte value) to the payload. The presence sensor is identified by a unique sensor channel and its value (0 or 1), indicating absence or presence.


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the presence sensor.
  • value The value of the presence sensor (0 for absence, 1 for presence).


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the presence sensor value.

function addTemperature

Adds a temperature field to the payload.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::addTemperature (
    const uint8_t sensorChannel,
    const float value

This method appends a temperature value (two-byte value) to the payload. The temperature is identified by a unique sensor channel and its value, representing the temperature in degrees Celsius.


  • sensorChannel The channel number of the temperature sensor.
  • value The temperature value in degrees Celsius to be added. This value is scaled appropriately before adding to the payload.


uint8_t Returns the new size of the payload after adding the temperature value.

function copy

Copies the buffer to the destination buffer.

inline const uint8_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::copy (
    uint8_t * destBuffer
) const


  • destBuffer Destination buffer.


uint8_t Number of bytes copied.

function getBuffer

Returns the buffer.

inline const uint8_t * PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::getBuffer (
) const


const uint8_t* Pointer to the buffer.

function getSize

Gets the size of the buffer.

inline size_t PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::getSize (
) const


size_t Size of the buffer.

function operator=

Copy assignment operator for the CayenneLPP class.

inline CayenneLPP & PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::operator= (
    const CayenneLPP & other

Replaces the contents of this instance with a copy of the contents of another instance.



CayenneLPP& A reference to this instance after copying.

function reset

inline void PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::reset () 

function ~CayenneLPP

inline PAYLOAD_ENCODER::CayenneLPP::~CayenneLPP () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/CayenneLPP.hpp